If you don’t have your own user account setup yet you’ll need one of your database admins to create an account for you, and provide you the credentials/DB Name. IMPORTANT: If this is your first time logging into your remote desktop you’ll need to request the credentials from our Support Team by either calling ( 1-86) or email ( ) – these credentials will be shared by all users logging in this way, once logged in you’ll use your own unique credentials to log into the database itself. #1 – Setup and Log into your Trail Blazer Remote Desktop (on PC) #3 Enable your Clipboard to Copy-and-Paste ‘Text’ into the Remote Desktop Connection #2 Map your Disk Drives on RDP to Allow for Importing of Files (Spreadsheets, Images, Attachments, Etc.) #1 Setup and Log into your Trail Blazer Remote Desktop (on PC)
Tip : This process helps with speed and stability of running large mass imports because you won’t need to rely on a steady internet connection, once the file is prepped and placed on the remote server, you could start the important and not worry about the internet going out in your local environment. For Mac users this is a common thing that gets configured during the initial setup, but for PC users it mainly comes into play if you need to run a large mass import of data from a spreadsheet, and don’t want to use your local resources i.e.